E-ZOIL Products, Inc. acquires Emulso

Tonawanda, N.Y. - March 11, 2019 - E-ZOIL, the manufacturer of performance-enhancing fuel additives and cleaning solutions, has acquired Tonawanda-based Emulso International Corporation, a leader in the industrial cleaning supplies industry.
"This acquisition made sense for a multitude of reasons," explained E-ZOIL vice president Chris Miller. "The synergy between both companies is undeniable. E-ZOIL has products Emulso can sell to its customers and Emulso has products E-ZOIL can sell to its customers. Additionally, by strategically bringing them under the same management, we can improve productivity and decrease operational costs. Overall, these two companies operating together will enable us to better serve our customers."
Each company will continue to market products under its own brand name, but scheduled product additions to each line are proposed in the coming months. "E-ZOIL and Emulso customers have a lot to look forward to in the near future. We plan to introduce several new products within a very short period of time," says Mr. Miller.
For more information on the E-ZOIL/Emulso acquisition, phone 716-213-0106 or visit www.ezoil.com. For more information on Emulso, visit www.emulso.com.